HDFC Bank has reported a profit after tax (PAT) of Rs528 crore for Q2FY2009, indicating a growth of 43.3% year on year (yoy). The Q2FY2009 financials include the effect of the merger of Centurion Bank of Punjab (CBoP) with HDFC Bank and hence are not strictly comparable with the performance in the year-ago period.
The net interest income (NII) for the quarter stood at Rs1,866.5 crore, up 60.5% yoy buoyed by the CBoP acquisition-led balance sheet expansion and healthy margins. The reported core net interest margin (NIM) stood at a healthy 4.2% compared with 4% a year ago. The capital raised by HDFC Bank and CBoP during FY2008 has contributed to the same. (more…)