Benchmark ETF – Advantage Volatile Markets
Going forward we expect Volatility in the Movement. There can be sharp downward spikes on intra-day basis and a recovery at the end. As a small investor, how can you take advantage of this spike since you can’t avail this benefit with Mutual Funds which transact on the NAVs on closing basis. You can take Delivery of these units which will be held in your DEMAT A/C. For example, on 31/10/08, Nifty Bees made a Spike downwards and hit a low of 230 and lets since then has more than doubled beating every other mutual fund.
Benchmark Funds ETFs can be of great help. NAV of these ETFs keep moving with the market. The ones available and recommended for investment are – Nifty Bees, Junior Bees, Bank Bees (more…)