Author Topic: Why Small Investors Must Invest by SIP ?  (Read 15266 times)

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Why Small Investors Must Invest by SIP ?
« on: February 05, 2015, 05:20:13 PM »
Most Retail Investors are either in Small Business or Salaried Professionals with no access to Big Money. Thus a monthly saving habit in the Indian Equities by means of SIP is one of the best option available to BUILD your Retirement Nest or to accomplish your Kids Education Goals etc which must start at least 10 years in Advance.

We first Sent out our SIP Investment Advise even before any Market Rally as early as 2003 and the proof of the same is here. Those who have started SIP then are ready to Retire now :-) However it is never too late and you can start now but with at least 10 years on Mind.

In 2013, we published a comprehensive analysis on how much returns a 10 year SIP has yielded for the Top 5 Funds in HDFC Mutual Funds. [HDFC Mutual Funds are conservatively managed and that is where we have 80% of our exposure].

WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU TO STUDY THIS with Great Focus & Concentration so that you will start away your SIP immediately. You can start in any other well managed fund from Franklin Templeton, Birla SunLife etc but you have to stick to the Discipline of Monthly Savings in Equities.

If you have any questions, please feel free to write to feedback AT