Hi Cardbhai,
I was having a SCB card 6 years back on which there was a card misuse & dispute ( add-on card I took for my wife was canceled upon my request and activated again without my notice). She misplaced but not worried thinking it was a canceled card. I had a series of discussions later with the Bank on transactions of that card (Rs.17000) and I paid a settlement amount(Rs 10000) thru DD finally. But the Bank person delayed the settlement letter with some or other story and I had left out of country on project work few days later. As I was unaware of the CIBIL / Credit History etcat that time - I had ignored the card totally. But, I dropped a letter to cancel my card and my card in 4 pcs in SCB box before leaving out of India.
Now after 6 years Shaha is chasing me asking me to Pay 65000 and Bank does not have records of my payment as per Customer Care.
I have only a mail copy of the Bank on my settlement accepting that they received the DD after I chased him thru mail. But they did not respond anything exclusively on my request (in same mail) asking them to confirm the full & final settlement.
Now, what should I do. Shaha seems to be defaulted me in CIBIL rating. Is there a away I can deal with Bank than Shaha?
I need some advise or help on this. I really upset with these unethical approaches of SCB Bank.
If anyone of you would like to help with references in private, pls drop a mail to screwedbycsb@gmail.com