Author Topic: CITI BANK HIGH HANDEDNESS::NEED HELP  (Read 7605 times)

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« on: December 24, 2010, 01:10:12 AM »

I have CITI Bank Auto Card(Through Maruti Suzuki), Last Nov(2009), they misplaced my cheque (which was the regular way of monthly credit payment) .
And one month later, when they came up with interest, post this event, i mailed them, it was their fault to misplace it at first place (Which they acknowledged after sometime). But they kept on calling me that you have to pay this and this sum with adding all interest and arrears, for which i said, please hand over either my issued cheque or accept the credit payment only for the actual purchases.

Then came their sorry mail for misplaced cheque and reversing ALL the sundry charges, interest, penalties etc and just to test this in Feb'2010, i made a test payment of 1080/- which citibank quickly adjusted this figure in the interest, ie effectively going back on their word!!

Again i mailed them that i have been promised by so many executives(from collection unit) that you have to pay ONLY actuals, still citi bank has adjusted for interest only which i have paid. And i mailed them again, saying that i am willing and liable to settle in full ONLY for the actuals.

But they kept on mailing for the statements and one time asked one local collection agent to call me and intimidate me!!!!!!

Just Now, ie 24th Dec, i get a mail from CitiBank of which some part i am pasting below.

We also wish to inform you about the legal status:
1.      Your account has been declared a Non-Performing Asset (NPA).
2.      Your card has been marked as "Defaulter" on the credit bureaus(CIBIL) as mandated by the statutory and regulatory requirements.
3.      The bank has chosen to initiate civil/ criminal action for the lawful recovery of the outstanding amount on your card account.
       The bank shall hold you liable for all costs as well as interest incurred in this regard.

so in the light of above background i seek counselling on

a) what are legal options available to me?
b)Given rogue nature of CitiBank, how i can settle for the sum which they had written in Feb'10, ie reversing all penalties and interests from Nov to Feb and NOT for the sum for which NOW they are claiming ie in fact , just double of what it was in Feb'10 !!!!!
c) What are fair chances, even if i pay, my name will be removed from CIBIL?
d)Which other consumer forum i can approach for such bank, going back on their word and adding up interests and taking local thug's help to recover their illegal due?
e) what are chances if they will listen as they have maintained in the mail, saying my excellent track record for credit payment(Never i have defaulted or even delayed by one day)?

Hoping for earnest, detailed and timely response as they have set the time limit for paying up.


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« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2011, 10:12:57 AM »
a. Pursuing legal action is certainly the best way to go with. Go hire a lawyer and approach consumer court with all the evidence of your innocence.

b. consumer court will help you get it settled and in some cases they may ask the bank to pay your lawyer fees as well.

c. Seek prayer from the court to remove your name from CIBIL and if the court orders they have no choice but to comply with it

Kindly seek the opinion of lawyer and he may suggest that we will give Citibank one more chance by serving a legal notice [not court notice] and if they oblige to your terms, then resolve else get them to stand in the consumer court.