Author Topic: How to Fight Undelivered Credit Card case - [RBI]  (Read 5339 times)

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How to Fight Undelivered Credit Card case - [RBI]
« on: February 27, 2012, 12:28:04 PM »
From the RBI Banking Ombudsman Series 2010-11.

How to Fight Undelivered Credit Card Dues ?

A complainant approached the OBO stating that he was issued statements for the credit card which was never received and used by him. The card agency continued to send the statements to the complainant, despite serving notice by the complainant through his
advocate to the agency and even after confirmation by the agency that the status of the credit card was “undelivered”. The agency continued its lapse by initiating measures for recovery of dues, causing mental anguish to the complainant. The agency also debited premium for insurance cover for which the complainant had not given his consent.

The case was adjudicated for issues relating to deficiency in providing services by the agency. An Award was passed by the BO and the
agency was directed to pay an amount of ` 10,000/- to the complainant by way of compensation for harassment and mental anguish suffered by him.

So cite the above and fight your case wit the RBI Ombudsman and Punish the erring Banks.