Author Topic: Explaning Days Past Due of Credit Account in Experian Information Report  (Read 17719 times)

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Explanation of Days Past Due of a Credit Account in Experian Credit Information Report

DPD (days past due) displays your payment history profile for the last 36 months, with the exact no, of days the account was past due (if any). The data is displayed on a year & month basis for whatever is available in the database.. When credit institution reports asset classification, the following alphabets will be displayed under DPD:
S - Standard: An account which is overdue for less than 90 days is considered as a Standard asset as per RBI guidelines
M - Special Mention: These accounts are "Standard" assets but for some discrepancy the lending organization would like to monitor this account closely
N - Experian Credit Information Company has not received any credit/loan account information prior to that specific month. This may be at the start of the credit/loan agreement
B - Substandard: An account which is overdue by 90 days for a period of less than or equal to 12 months is classified as Substandard asset as per RBI guidelines
Doubtful: An account which is overdue by 90 days for more than 12 months is classified as doubtful asset as per RBI guidelines
L - Loss: An account where loss has been identified but the amount has not been writton off, wholly or partially is classified as Loss asset as per RBI guidelines.

If the consumer has defaulted, then the following will be Indicated in his CIR

Total Write-off Amount denotes the total amount written off including interest (If account status is written off/ settled).
Principal Write-off Amount denotes the principal amount written off excluding interest (If account status is written off/ settled).
Original Charge-off Amount denotes the total amount charged off (If account status is written off/ settled).
Settlement Amount denotes the amount at which the settlement was made. (If account status is written off/ settled).