Dear Cardbhai,
Subject: CIBIL- for Credit Card No.4346**** **** 4228 of HDFC Bank
I was closed above said card on 28/06/2006 by making a full & final payment of Rs.18972.00 according to bank settlement offer Letter No19114 dt 18/06/2006.
Recently a have applied for a loan from some financial institute and i come to know that, above said card showing in my CIBIL report.
As per the rule of Reserve Bank of India, Bank can't file the CIBIL report for settled payments.
I would like to bring in your kind notice that my actual outstanding was less then settled amount , outstanding was increased due to abnormal charges debited by bank in my credit card account. And after discussing everything bank was agreed to settled the issue.
This is very unfair to file the CIBIL after receiving full and final payment.
You are requested to look in to the matter and advice me that how to remove said matter from CIBIL
Thanking You,
Yours Truly,
Raj M Arora
Mobile No.9324277703
A-1/704, Shruti Park,
Kolshet Road,
Dhokali, Thane (West)