Here is some data from HSBC on Indian Rupee Versus USD and Euro
INR /USD, end-year 45.61 43.46 45.05 44.26 39.00 37.50[2008E] 36.00[2009E]
INR /EUR, end-year 55.25 59.11 53.14 58.36 56.55 50.63[2008E] 46.80[2009E]
Indian Equity Research and Investment Strategy
Here is some data from HSBC on Indian Rupee Versus USD and Euro
INR /USD, end-year 45.61 43.46 45.05 44.26 39.00 37.50[2008E] 36.00[2009E]
INR /EUR, end-year 55.25 59.11 53.14 58.36 56.55 50.63[2008E] 46.80[2009E]