Performance of New Issues in 2007

The year 2007 saw Indian IPO Market scaling new records. In 2007, 112 stock got listed on NSE/ BSE 3 out of 10 gave a return of more than 100%, five outperformed BSE – SENSEX and 3 are trading below issue price. IPOs are selling like hot cake in India because of the simple reason that it gives easy money when the investor chooses the IPO on our recommendation. However, the big challenge was Getting allotment in IPO, which is just like lottery and it depends more on luck if the IPO is like that of most sought after (more…)

Hindustan Construction Company incorporates special purpose vehicle

Hindustan Construction Company has incorporated a special purpose vehicle (SPV) company i.e. HCC Singapore Enterprises as a wholly owned Subsidiary of the company for promoting its business including those of the group companies.

HCC Real Estate (HREL), the wholly owned subsidiary of the company has also incorporated a special purpose vehicle (SPV) company i.e. Charosa Wineries for undertaking wine business.

Axis Bank Q3-2008 Results

Axis Bank has announced its unaudited results for Q3 2007-08 and for the nine months ended December 2007, following the approval of its Board of Directors in a meeting held in Mumbai on 9th January, 2008. The Net Profit for the third quarter was Rs. 306.83 crores, up by 66.20% over the Net Profit of Rs. 184.61 crores for the third quarter of last year. The Net Profit of the Bank for the nine months ended December 200 7 was Rs. 709.63 crores, up by 58.70% over the Net Profit of Rs. 447.14 crores during the first nine months of the previous year.