Ambani’s Reliance Energy Hammered on the Bourse

Reliance Energy [down 10.5%] virtually a shell [empty] company after promoter Mr. Anil Ambani looted the projects to his private venture Reliance Power Ltd. We raised our voice against Reliance Energy transferring business and assets to Reliance Power where Mr. Anil Ambani gained a back door entry at Rs 17 / share in Reliance Power Ltd and you public bought it at Rs 430.

Anil Ambani more of a speculator and a Trader [currently] without any project execution track record announced yet another speculative move – Buy Back of Reliance Energy shares. Reliance Energy is starving for CASH for CAPEX and why is Ambani going for a Buy Back ? Reasons is obvious – Boost the stock price. [God Damm Ambani must know that no where in the world Utlility companies trade at a forward P/E more than 15 while his REL is traded close to 30 and RPL more than 200 on FY2010 earnings estimate]

Exit Suzlon Energy – Citi

Citigroup in a report released just minutes ago has pushed the “EXIT” button on the stock. Citi analyst underestimated the cost that Suzlon would have to pay in executing its strategy to become the top 3 WTG manufacturers in each market it operates and the pressures that it would put on management bandwidth in managing so many moving parts of a complex supply chain.

Adding to Suzlon’s woes are – (1) Supply delays, (2) tower shortages, (3) key component shortages, (4) negative forex movements, and (5) nacelle custom duty changes in the US. (more…)

ICICI Bank Concealed Sub-Prime Facts ?

The US sub-prime crisis has hit ICICI Bank. The bank did provide US$75m in 4QFY08 for marked-to-market (MTM) losses on its CDO exposure and the UK subsidiary’s investment portfolio. However, the bank concealed further losses it is facing until Minister of State for Finance Pawan Kumar Bansal said in the parliament that ICICI Bank’s cumulative MTM losses on its international business are $264m (Rs10.5b), as at Jan end.

CLSA has cut earnings estimate of ICICI by 5-7% for FY08. The bank is still not very clear on its stand about USD 2.2 bn exposure to CDO/CDS. Further MTM losses can be expected.

HSBC Downgrades TV18

HSBC in a report released just a while ago has downgraded Television Eighteen to Neutral from OVERWEIGHT. TV18 runs India’s worst Business News Channel – CNBC TV18. Revenues have grown at a steady clip, expenses have grown in line. HSBC expected operating expenses to increase by 20% y-o-y but while staff costs and other production expenses have increased by 23% and 21% respectively, increase in marketing expenses by 373% has resulted in the overall expenditure increasing in line with revenues. (more…)